The Land of Boars | Platformer Game in C++ with Raylib | (WIP)


The Land of Boars is a work in progress 2D platformer game built in C++ using the Raylib library. This project involves implementing various game mechanics, including player movement, collision detection, animation handling, and sound management, all organized through Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles.

Key Features:

  • Developed complex game logic for player actions and interactions with the enviornment.
  • Implemented a custom renderer for background and game object rendering.
  • Integrated a sound manager for handling in-game sounds, and a texture manager both using the Singleton pattern.
  • Used design patterns like the Observer pattern for event handling and Command pattern for input management.
  • Focused on performance optimization, including parallelizing update loops for improved gameplay experience.
  • Built in debug and developer menus using the popular ImGui library.

Skills and Technologies:

  • Languages/Tools: C++, Raylib, CLion, ImGui
  • Key Concepts: OOP, game physics, event-driven programming, performance optimization
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CellularAutomata | Conway’s Game of Life in Java with LWJGL


CellularAutomata is a personal interpretation of Conway's Game of Life, implemented in Java using the Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL). Developed as a functional implementation of Conway’s Game of Life, featuring additional functionality for user interaction and grid management.

Key Features:

  • Designed a flexible simulation engine that handles Conway's rules efficiently, even with large grids.
  • Used LWJGL for rendering the grid and updating the simulation in real-time.
  • Implemented user interactions to modify grid states, allowing for dynamic game environments.
  • Focused on optimizing grid updates to ensure minimal computational load during complex transitions.
  • Implemented and save and load from-file system that works with any size of grid.

Skills and Technologies:

  • Languages/Tools: Java, LWJGL, IntelliJ
  • Key Concepts: Cellular automata, real-time rendering, user interaction, game loop optimization
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Portfolio Website | Django & Custom CSS


This personal portfolio website was created to showcase my projects, skills, and experience. The site was built using Django for the backend and custom CSS for styling. The goal was to create a professional and visually cohesive platform to present my work, while ensuring responsiveness and usability across devices.

Key Features:

  • Designed a fully responsive layout using custom CSS, ensuring compatibility across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  • Integrated a clean and simple navigation system with a dynamic projects section.
  • Used Django's templating system to manage reusable components across pages efficiently.
  • Incorporated subtle animations and transitions for a smooth user experience.

Skills and Technologies:

  • Languages/Tools: Django, Python, HTML, CSS, GitHub
  • Key Concepts: Web development, responsive design, deployment, version control
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Planet Defender | Simple Space Invaders clone in Java with LibGDX


Planet Defender is a space-invaders style game developed in Java using the LibGDX framework. This was a simple project to explore game development concepts, focusing on real-time rendering, enemy wave spawning and movement, and player interactions.

Key Features:

  • Implemented a basic game loop for rendering and updating game objects in real-time.
  • Designed enemy wave spawning and movement patterns for strategic gameplay.
  • Developed player controls for movement and shooting, with collision detection for enemy interactions.
  • Used LibGDX for rendering sprites, handling input, and managing game states.

Skills and Technologies:

  • Languages/Tools: Java, LibGDX, IntelliJ
  • Key Concepts: Game development, real-time rendering, collision detection.
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